Friday, October 28, 2016

After 84 years

Hi guys! Scisoo here...

So funny thing about me as a procrastinator- I put stuff off, say I'll get to them then I don't and get very, very, very guilty and am afraid to get to it. Cause #life and #let'sfuckscissoup.


Everything's normal, I guess? Tera's a lot more lively, that's for sure. It's pleasant though bittersweet, because I loved Veritas and what it meant to me was the beginning of my story. However! The fact that I am instantly paired up in instant matching is awesome... huhu... I can't decide if I like this or not... QwQ

My temporary inventory's full too....


Yeah. First off, it's no longer counting character, it's counting accounts. By that measure, we are a 20 people small guild. We are level one, we have no money, no castle (I have no idea if they exist anymore, I asked on the world chat and I was promptly ignored)(Morg answered this for me- we can have a skycastle so long we get active and busy with the guild quests), no alliances, and no BANK. I repeat, we own NO BANK. All out stuff that we worked for (the basis of the bank was built by me), gone. Poof! Not even in temporary inventory.


The guild quests are all wonky. There's... 5, I believe, that involve gathering while the rest are about dungeons. Daily they must be assigned by our guild master Selextia which is putting a burden on her as we seniors don't exactly always own 5 minutes to do this.

-_- you guys at Tera HQ... just... whaaaat?


Now, I now everyone's busy and that it's a bit hard to get to the computer and spend 2 hours on it playing Tera, however I would like it if somehow, somehow we could at least once a week be able to do at least one guild quest. I'll ask you to drop by the chat and leave me a message so that I can pass it on to Seli (hopefully).

I talked with Seli and as we have a vacation around the winter holidays I'd like it if we could maybe have a guild event to talk and see you guys again. All that's necessary is your attention/presence, your character and your will to chat. I have no idea where we'll meet up or when, but I'll check up with Seli.

THAT'S MY REPORT PEOPLE! Other than that I have personal news xD So if you want to know about that just hit me up on the chat and I'll be happy to talk to you~


Hope to see you all,
Resident Astaroth, Scisoo

PS: around this time there's letter rewards for dungeons, which make dragon flying mounts. How about that?

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Long time no see

         Woah, long time no see, no posts around here huh....
         Well in case you all wanna know what exactly happened....SCHOOL STARTED *insert sobbing noises* even worse, it's the ending year to us guild founders, so we'll probably be more stressed out than ever with that damn exam knocking at our door...
         The chat is still functional, although we don't spend as much time on it either, but even a word or two from time to time are okay!
         So nobody worry, the guild didn't die, we didn't quit gaming's just a hard period right now. 
         I don't know anything about further guild events yet, but I'll be sure to post(or Mid will) any info regarding them (QuO)/
         So see ya later, guys~

         Hating on history class forever,
         Ru Slayer-chan.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Guild requests spot

          I'm back again! This time with some randomness pfft
          Since Vero and me and Morg were bored today I told them to give me drawing requests and watch me sketch them on 
          Here are the fresh sketches, all finished a few minutes ago XD 
              Most belong to Vero X'D, or I dunno, but the bottom 2 ones were from him. And gee I love the huge sword dude now pfft.
          Excuse the twig and mr potato sir man, I was waiting for requests lol.
          Then Morg came up with the character with the gun and then Scisoo appeared XD and asked me to draw Seli and then my slayer and her archer together.
          And that's about it for one hour or more of requests.
          Vero said he'll do this next time >XD Let's see what comes out huehuehue~

Randomly passing artist,
Ru Slayer-chan.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

I'm back~

Hi guys! Scisoo here~ I'm back from my trip to Paris which was uneventful (outside family quarrels and this annoying cold I caught), and I'm.... back in business? Well, my private lessons are anyways.

Friendly reminder: I've not yet opened Tera, but just in case you don't know, Seli is gone on scholarship in Greece. And you know about Ru... so I guess you lot are mine? If you need to be someone's lot... xD

Okay, okay. So, what happened in Paris stays in Paris is I got scared by voodoo shit (as in goosebumps and tears), I missed my pets dearly (and had a heart attack due to SOMEONE feeding the dog wrong stuff), I saw castles like Versailles and decided I love my country and its architecture style, and... uhm... I'm scared of jungle storms. Courtesy of the National History Museum of France, there were pleasant sound effects and well... I'm not one to be scared of lighting but... hot damn x'D my eyes were watering.

YOU THINK I'M TOO SCARED OF EVERYTHING? PSSH! (you're totally right... Q.Q)

I have some videos actually. Which I have no idea where I'll put up, if I actually edit them...

Hmm~ also, in case you haven't seen the news, our new server will be called MYSTEL (yuck) and the server merge is on the 30th this month, so in case you have a lot of characters like me, I'd advise you to go check their class, levels, bank, and number. They're saying only 16 characters are allowed per server, so watch out for that...

Okay, that's my news? I guess? Uh, I don't know about events while Seli's gone, so I guess I'll be managing them if we're having them NO PRESSURE, JUST CUT THE RED WIRE AND NONE OF US BLOW UP so I'll be asking for your ideas? Yeah. See ya xD

Love you all,
Resident Astaroth Scisoo

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Just updates

        This is my last post here until I come back home next week. I'm being dragged to my grandparents tomorrow, no internet there ugh.
                 But don't worry, Scisoo is also coming back tomorrow so she'll take care of you XD.
        Well anyway, first of all congrats to Morg for winning the screenshot contest! Gz on that 1k m8///slapped for MLG talk

        Second of all, talking on chatango proved to be actually funny hehe, thanks to Vero and Morg always being around. DON'T MISS ME TOO MUCH WHILE I'M GONE HUEHUEHUE

        That's all I guess, not much to update. So take care until Thursday when I come back and give Scisoo a warm welcome from the Baguetton Factory~

Ru Slayer-chan.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Screenshot event started!

     Hey guys! I'm writing this from my phone so excuse the writing for not being colored and stuff pfft.
    So anyway off to the event! Here's the picture:
     Good luck with the guessing! Don't forget that the prize is 1k gold!

Ru Slayer-chan.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Screenshot event part 2!

         Hey guys, it's been a while since posting an official announcement hehe, so here I am.
         Tomorrow at 8 pm CET there'll be a new screenshot guessing event! Rules are same as the first time: you see a pic, you recognize the location, you say its name and boom you win! If you get to it first, that is XD.
         The reward for the guesser iiiiis....1000 GOLD! Sponsored by our dear guild bank~
         So good luck to everyone, the pic will be posted tomorrow somehow hopefully.

                                                           Random announcer,
                                                                   Ru Slayer-chan.

Friday, August 5, 2016

The hidden Devan business

       As a disclaimer this thing came out of a talk with Vero and Morg yesterday.

       We have found the hidden business of the devas! The Demokron Factory actually holds something deeper...something harder to comprehend...Under all that Demokron manufacturing lies....A BAGUETTE BUSINESS! DUN DUN DUUUUUN!
        Yes, the devas made all this Demokron thing up in order to protect their precious baguettes from the Federation. 
        This is my take on what I think it's actually happening, deep in the Factory:
         So instead of the Demokron Factory, it's actually the Bagueton Factory. And who knows, maybe even the Federation has their own recipe, maybe the devas try to defend their ancient recipe from them....maybe Elleon is more than a skilled fighter, but....A MYSTICAL BAKER!

         All these years it has actually been a battle for the best baker community...a hidden Master Chef...maybe even Gordon Ramsay running around in disguise as the goddess of Tera.

         This is all the information and theories we could come up with so far. Of course we'll let you know if we find anything new across the land. But until then, stay away from the Bagueton Factory, unless you're with a starving party~

                                                   Kinda feeling hungry from the post,
                                                                            Ru Slayer-chan.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The status of the Popori

          After the Elin tribute post, Vero suggested we should make a post about "why we hate Popori". Well, we aren't going to be racist X'D, we'll just say that we...dislike those furballs....very...very...much.
          Around the Tera community, Popori are placed on the lowest step of the hierarchy (I guess): Elves are supposed to be the ruling race, Castanics come in next as their close subordinates, Elins are seen as their servants and Popori as their slaves and pets(yeah I know, the rest of the races aren't even mentioned X'D probably cause the community doesn't use them as much, deal with it).

         But come on, even the Tera developers are giving us this idea! Popori pets for the players??? 

          I mean you either leave them as pets or leave them as a race, not both! What if you had a castanic as your pet? Well I guess some of those people would kind of fulfill their fantasies///slapped

        In the end I'd like to share my story about a certain Popori, proving why I hate them...
       I was doing a certain story quest around Acarum or something like that, I remember it being snowy. And it was an escort quest! :'D Oh joy, my..favorite...type...of quest...
      Now I would've been okay with it, IF IT WASN'T A USELESS POPORI MYSTIC THAT I HAD TO CARRY!! Don't get me wrong about the mystic part, I have a level 60 mystic and it's hella epic and I can defend myself, but man this Popori was literally doing nothing, not even running off to the city.
     Well in the end after 4 failed tries in which I died or he died, I gave up on it for a while then came back with a friend priest(no, not Scisoo X'D I don't even remember if she was created then).

     And this is the story behind these controversial fluffballs...

     As an ending phrase, I'd like to say...


Running away from triggered people,
Ru Slayer-chan.   

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Why we love Elins~

        I realized I haven't posted anything for a while, and since you'll be in my "very responsible slayer-chan hands" for a while, I'll kick it off with a chill post~
       A lot of people on TERA have elins as characters, some are real life females...some are actually males XD hey Vero.
      So why do people like elins so much?
      Just look at how cute their faces aaare


      Shh, I like mine looking rather badass ok?But mainly: big eyes, animal ears, eeeeey eeeey? Come on, they're cute.
      They're so small and with animal features and squeaky voices~
      Here I caught my ninja with her eyes closed aww XD

      Ok maybe people like them cause some of them are into anime and stuff and like lolis///slapped
      In the end I wanna share the best screenshot I could get out of one of my elins~

       It took me a lot of failed tries to get the timing right...ESPECIALLY CAUSE OF THE LAG BACK THEEEN

     And so I end my elin tribute. See ya in whatever further posts I make around here in the name of Scisoo XD

                                                                             Ru Slayer-chan~

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Instance matching I'd rather have not had

Okay so, it was this regular day and I decided 'No more alliance, I'll do a Kallivan's Challenge instead!'. And many of you probably know this, but instance matching is cross-server bullshit. Which means that I, a Veritas player can be paired up with, say, a party from Kaidun (DE PVE server).

Seli and Vero were nice enough to join me, so there're the three of us, healer, sorcerer and ninja paired up with a FRENCH brawler and ninja. And well, I thought it was all fine and dandy...

Then the world caught on fire...

I'll start with the brawler. They weren't the best player but they knew the dungeon, more or less. They weren't the best tank I'd seen but definitely far from the worst. All I had to do was to concentrate on healing them, they knew about Kallivan's lightning attack, about the water bullshit, all good, right?

Then there was this ninja. Lillisomethingsomething, I won't be seeing them again. This was BY FAR, THE WORST NINJA I've seen. 

They had no idea which side to be on, always went with melee attacks and never fucking dodged. Instead of concentrating on the poor brawler (who, if I may, didn't have the dreadnaught equipment, which this little french loli did), I had to split my attention to the retard who couldn't play, but still ran ahead as the lead. 

First boss was fine, they died once, and I couldn't find a window in which to revive them so they probably thought I was ignoring them. Because they were fussy to be revived and killed again they drew my attention and I, being stupid, actually went to revive them.

And the whole party's health dropped while I did that...

Kalivan. I asked them nicely. DO YOU KNOW ABOUT KALLIVAN'S ATTACKS? The brawler did, they talked about the lightning. The ninja could only say 'go'. *facepalm*

And guess who died 3 times? THE WORST NINJA! \^o^/

Leaving aside the previously mentioned complaints, this ninja, despite having dreadnaught, had no idea to KEEP OUT OF THE WATER. And then, when revived, with the brawler and Vero and Seli around 2/5 of health, they wouldn't go in and would stay there, waiting to be nursed to full health...

I'm sorry, I thought I was a healer, not your personal wet nurse. GET YOURSELF ANOTHER ONE!

Finally, we made it through, and guess who just wouldn't leave the party....

Oh, you know?

FFS, this is one of the reasons I'm not really into dungeons. :( I get stressed trying to keep everyone up and running, throwing enchantments here and there, and then this ASSHOLE who thinks they double as a tank (when they can't even be bothered to keep themselves alive) shows up and demands my attention. Well, I have a not so pleasant middle finger for your kind of people.

Just to clear it up, this wasn't about that person's lag. They worked just fine. MAKING ME MAD ENOUGH TO WANT TO THROTTLE THEM MYSELF! *boom*

*sigh* I feel better now.

Still pissed,
Resident Astaroth, Scisoo

Friday, July 29, 2016

General updates post

General updates

1. You're in Ru's hands for 2 weeks.
2. We may or may not have to switch to another blog-type site.
3. Let's help Seli out and donate 10G every now and then!
Thank you for your kind donations!

1. You're all Ru's now.

No, I'm not giving you up, it's just that I'm going on vacation for 2 weeks in Paris. Yes I know, I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I do have net, but I don't have Tera. At best, I can check up on you here or on the chat. (WE HAVE A CHAAAT? YEAAAAH! EXCEPT THIS SHITTY BLOGGER DOESN'T WORK! See 2. for more of this.) So behave yourself my lovelies. And miss me as much as I'll miss you. ;.;

2. Should we move to something like Wattpad?

Shit if I know. Blogger is okayish, but thing is.... somewhere in it's HTML, it's broken and it's not taking chat apps nor videos. Which is... you know... nicely said frustrating. 

I went to Seli's house and blogger didn't work any better for her than it does for me. I didn't want to do this, but I'll just post your chat link here: I really wanted for it to be on the page and you guys discovering it, but... TT.TT 

Similarly, when talking with Seli she said 'make a Youtube page for the videos'. And I want to, but at the same time, I also want them to be properly displayed on the blog and I haven't played with Youtube links yet. xD so here

It doesn't work does it...? orz

3. Everyone that has donated and who plans on doing it, thank you all~

Okay. I know this isn't some kind of newspaper you pay your subscription to, but we're having events and we want to do them properly- which means more people and material rewards. So you dear viewer, who kindly put in some hundred gold or so, thank you for helping us continue the events. We'll try keeping them once a week, and increasing them? Maybe? I think most of you know, but Seli, Ru and I are in the last year of high school and we have this exam that sums up the 12 years of school (+university entrance exam, WHAAAAAT? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU STUPID HOME COUNTRY NOT MAKING US PROUD!). But this story dabs into the plans for next year, which, I believe, deserves another post of its own.

Thanks for reading this post! We're still working on the mentioned problems (videos and chat), so I have no idea when they'll be mended. Stay sexy friends~

Love you all,
Resident Astaroth, Scisoo


Sorry, this was a series of unfortunate events. First I went for a haircut, then my computer froze, Then random sharp pain I have no idea where it came from. Then more computer freezing. Here you go:

As a side note, 5CET was the original time so, I'm still spot on? xD

Good luck!

Love you all and I'm sorry,
Resident Astaroth, Scisoo


Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Sunday's guild dungeon event

About Sunday

Hi guys~ No you're seeing wrong. This was posted on 25th, what're you on about? Pfft you need glasses!

Due to particular reasons, I was not able to make a resume for y'all who could've came to the teamspeak dungeon event. :T

Throughout our awkwardness (Come on, it kinda is, y'know? This isn't a meet and greet.), we managed to do Kalivan's Challenge. The people that came up and forward to the challenge were myself, Vero, Morg and our beloved Seli. Later on Ru came by, but she couldn't join the teamspeak.

Conclusions drawn for the experience: next time we're doing Skype. At least then, everyone'll be clear and the lag'll be worse, but I think it'll be worth it. xD (Seli's statement: "I don't like teamspeak")

Also, is everyone experiencing lag? Because I sure was. My own statement: I expected lag, but what I didn't expect was to be the only one swearing, making me a dirty sea dog among fair maidens. xD I mean not really, it wasn't that much, but I really was the only one muttering 'shit, fuck, you bitch' more or less.

Well I did say I'm a second grade priest. xD

Later in the evening Kou (previously known as Alli or Lells' son) also came by and we had a nice evening, with him, Vero and Morg fighting in the alliance and me listening intently to them. YES I'M A STALKER WHO ENJOYS LISTENING TO PEOPLE!

Hopefully, we can make this a weekly thing. Or otherwisely, people can come by and ask if there's a conversation going on somewhere. It's very pleasant, really xD

Kay guys. This is non-resume of the events of Sunday. I'll let Ru post the event of Friday, and after that you're on her hands for a while. I'll give you a post about my vacation Friday or Sunday!

See ya lovelies~

Love you all,
Resident Astaroth, Scisoo


Knowing your map Event


Knowing Arun and Shara inside out, like the back of your hand, has never paid out quite the way you would've liked it?

Thankfully, we have an event such as the Landscape Event. This week we will post a picture. If you recognize it, send a private message to Selextia with its name. Your prize is:

The special prize for our fastest, most accurate result is 500G.

Due to special circumstances, it will be the only prize offered.

We will try posting them Friday, 4 CET. We won't be taking the picture down, but do keep in mind you have a whole day to tell us where the picture's location is. Speed is key!

P.S.: THANK YOU MORG FOR THE IDEA! xD which is awesome btw

Your bloggers, 

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Videos anyone?+ Important news

About posting videos on blog and more


Hi my lovelies, I was talking with Ru about posting vids. What vids, you may ask?

Well a long time ago, when we still owned recording and editing programs, Ru would enjoy making meme-like videos. So I was thinking... why not make more? And/or post the ones she made? (Leaving aside that, much like the chat, THE GODDAMN VIDEO AIN'T WORKING)

Of course it'll be with people you don't know for the old ones (all our characters, main and alts, available and deleted). Maybe you'd like to leave me a PM if you're thinking about ideas or maybe something you'd want to see?

Good example: 

Hey Sci! I saw your post, I was wondering if you could document the skycastle with some voiced commentary? Thanks and looking forward to it!

Bad example: 

make a meme if you can. bitch.

Joking, doubt you could make something remotely similar to the bad example. 

Also, please look up to the fact that TERA WILL HAVE SERVER MERGE at the END OF SUMMER. Please make it a point of recruiting people, doing the alliance daily quests as much as you can, doing the guild quests and dungeons to rope in people, fame, and reputation. Keeping our skycastle is going to be our top priority, seeing the new rivals we will have. Having several, hard-working, active players will no longer do the trick. :/

Here's the important extract of the news:
  • 1 INT PVP server (Killian + Icaruna)
  • 1 EN PVE server (Fraya + Veritas + Arcadia + Zenobia)
  • 1 DE PVE server (Kaidun + Hasmina)
  • 1 FR PVE server (Akasha + Elinu)

Here's the link:

If you, much like me, own characters on about every server, my panic at losing them may very well be reflected in you. (I have 6 characters on Veritas ALONE) But, as the post says, a FAQ will be offered ahead of the schedule. I'd propose heavily protesting the server merge if it means having to give up our characters.

Please give me your opinions on this. It's important news on both sides, and a talk about them would be really appreciated.

Love you all,
Resident Astaroth, Scisoo

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Weekend exclusive event


Okay I was present for the decision making of this, and if I may... THIS TOOK WAY TOO LONG!

Sunday, 12AM CET (lunch time, for goofies like me), we'll be having a dungeon event. No, not a raid event, we're still a bit small for that-

Think of this as a get-together to know everyone's play style, in hopeful preparation for a RAID or GVG. *drools*

Seli was nice enough to give me a heads up for everyone's wish of chatting over Teamspeak. Nervous? I am too. Don't worry though, we're all friends here... right? At least... as far as I know... no one bit me yet. O.o

Also, troops! Come with the class YOU FEEL MOST COMFORTABLE WITH. It's about having fun, not filling in gaps, kay~?

I'm still waiting on that guild pic though. Maybe, hopefully, Sunday we'll get around to making it?

See ya tomorrow and at the event~

Love y'all,
Resident Astaroth, Scisoo

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Joke event results



Jokes aside (ba-dump tzzs), it is sad not all could participate. However those present- Selextia, myself, Exothermic, Lady Veronica, Lells and Morguldrumfay- broke the ice with jokes as smooth as ice on a hot, hot summer day! Here's the Jokelog:

scisoo: I like my men like I like my sink
scisoo: Selextia: I don't get it
Selextia: X"D
scisoo: exactly

Exothermic: A man walks into a bar... ouch

Lady_Veronica: why does black ppl have bigger deecks than white ppl?
Lady_Veronica: cause as kids white ppl had toys to play with!!

Lells: now the difference between a porsche and a girl?
Lells: the porsche you don't lend out to your friends

(small talk about sexism and fairness in judges ensues)

Morguldrumfay: what to do when your tv starts to levitate in dark room while you looking at it?
Morguldrumfay: turn on the lights and shoot that nigga!

As Selextia was going over her points sheet (or fighting lag, we shan't know), some of us continued cracking jokes:

Lells: whats white and slimy lying in a ditch
Lells: a nigga someone beat the crap out of!

Exothermic: my boss told me to have a good day... so i went home! ^_^

In the end, Morgul won by 12 points, followed by a tie between Vero and Exo of 7 points, with the last winner with 2 points being... *drumroll* THE FABULOUS ME!

Joking, I have no idea why I got those points. XD

The winners could hardly hold still in their excitement, much to the amusement of myself and the despair of the guildmaster who was trying her best to give them their rewards. The event ended quickly due to the Exarch calling everyone to war with the Iron Order, and following up with the Free Traders Collective. Sadly there was little time to take a picture to commemorate, so you'll have to do with a picture of myself. (psst, you're welcome, I know about y'all and the maids stuff =^= I have my eyes on you)

We hope to see you next week for the event Inieru has proposed! As a tip, maybe you should check your maps~ Stay sexy friends!

Love you all,
Resident Astaroth, Scisoo

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Astaroth Scisso

Your resident Astaroth, Scisoo's, self introduction

Heya~ I am Scisoo, your resident Astaroth and priest. I'm also known as Ali or Mid, any name will do; I've been playing since about when Tera came out in 2013? Is that right?

Funny story is, I started as a Castanic Lancer on the NA server. Then, I asked Ru Slayer-chan if perhaps she may want to join me in playing this 'amazing game I've found'. And she somehow wondered on the Eu server... '-'

Long story short I had to reinstall Tera and we played on and off, made plenty of jokes and memories, and our mains turned 65 very slowly. (In my case, Caellum the Archer never did really reach 65...)

Why Archer after Lancer? Well... I HOPED that the Archer would be easier to play than the Lancer, and it seemed more reasonable to let Ru tank as I attacked from behind. Needless to say, it is not an easy class in my humble, 2nd rate player opinion. (_ _)

Then I somehow roped in Selextia and Shalulia. I thought to myself that being a priest would help them into choosing whatever class they want. And here I am~! 

When I took up priesthood. By that point, it was October 2015? So Island of Dawn was still the starting point.

This was around level 40, I believe. I really liked that outfit.

I had problems with my laptop so since around March this year I couldn't play anymore without the laptop overheating or dying due to the battery. Thankfully I got it back a few days ago, so I'm ready to come back and challenge Tera again! See you at the guild event (hopefully)!

Love you all,
Resident Astaroth, Scisoo

Friday, July 15, 2016

Get your joke pants on for the upcoming Joke Event!~

            Slayer-chan is back with an announcement \(OwO)/ !
            Sunday, at 8 pm CET, the Solomon's Demons' Skycastle will become the guild's stand-up comedy set-up! X'D Well, sort of~
            Basically each contestant has only ONE chance to make the public laugh with their epic humor. Pro tip: don't waste your chance with puns X''D, unfortunately not everyone likes them or gets them *sad violin song* .
           Since it's a competition, it has prizes DUH
           1. First prize: 300g
           2. Second prize: 250g
           3. Third prize: 200g
            Food buffs, alkahest and maybe even niveots, you have nothing to lose in participating~!
           The judges are...everyone?XD I guess

           As this is the first event of the guild, dear Seli is sponsoring it~ But in order to keep the future events going, some prize donators will be greatly appreciated. 

          That's all for now, see ya later, or at the event! (OwO)/

                                                                                                                                    Ru Slayer-chan.

Slayer-chan self introduction :D

    Hello...people! X'D I'm not good with introductions, I'll just jump right into it hehe.
    I'm known as Ru/Rucchii and I've been playing TERA since 2013? It took me 2 years to get my main, which you guessed right, is a slayer, to 65. I had a hard time keeping on playing with my old laptop.
    I chose castanic slayer cause 1. I like horns X'D, 2. their clothes look cool, 3. I like swords, big swords, swoooords.
    Also, I can say that *insert old guy meme* back in my day Island of Dawn was a place for levels 1-10 and BAMs and mobs didn't have red circles going on for their attacks X'D.
    Well anyway, I hope I'll be more active now that I fixed my game and it works well.
    Take some pics of my character X'D

    Look at n00b me, starting out, looking god knows where, not knowing how to hide the UI 

    And here I am, level 65 with my Dreadnaught armor...barely pfft, haven't been around for a long time. BACK IN MY DAY DREADNAUGHT WASN'T GIVEN FROM A STORY QUEST///slapped

    I just love looking away from the camera both here and IRL X'D

    Well, I'm done with my self introduction, hope I did it right~

                                                      See ya in the next posts! :3

                                                                                                                  Ru Slayer-chan.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

First post :D

Welcome to our brand new, shiny tiny blog page~!

As stated in the description, we plan to use this to post things such as events coming up, or stories of instance matching we'd rather have not had, to talks worth sharing. Of course, everyone can post something if they so wish to- but we'd appreciate some kind of constant posts. Which we'll try our best to fulfill for now~.

This is just our first post, nothing serious (not that I think anything ever will be particularly serious ^.~/). So for now, stay tuned for the next post. Our beloved guild master Selextia says she has a Joke Event planned for next week, and we hope to get some more insight on that~

Stay sexy friends~ 

Love you all,
Resident Astaroth, Scisoo