Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The status of the Popori

          After the Elin tribute post, Vero suggested we should make a post about "why we hate Popori". Well, we aren't going to be racist X'D, we'll just say that we...dislike those furballs....very...very...much.
          Around the Tera community, Popori are placed on the lowest step of the hierarchy (I guess): Elves are supposed to be the ruling race, Castanics come in next as their close subordinates, Elins are seen as their servants and Popori as their slaves and pets(yeah I know, the rest of the races aren't even mentioned X'D probably cause the community doesn't use them as much, deal with it).

         But come on, even the Tera developers are giving us this idea! Popori pets for the players??? 

          I mean you either leave them as pets or leave them as a race, not both! What if you had a castanic as your pet? Well I guess some of those people would kind of fulfill their fantasies///slapped

        In the end I'd like to share my story about a certain Popori, proving why I hate them...
       I was doing a certain story quest around Acarum or something like that, I remember it being snowy. And it was an escort quest! :'D Oh joy, my..favorite...type...of quest...
      Now I would've been okay with it, IF IT WASN'T A USELESS POPORI MYSTIC THAT I HAD TO CARRY!! Don't get me wrong about the mystic part, I have a level 60 mystic and it's hella epic and I can defend myself, but man this Popori was literally doing nothing, not even running off to the city.
     Well in the end after 4 failed tries in which I died or he died, I gave up on it for a while then came back with a friend priest(no, not Scisoo X'D I don't even remember if she was created then).

     And this is the story behind these controversial fluffballs...

     As an ending phrase, I'd like to say...


Running away from triggered people,
Ru Slayer-chan.   

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