Sunday, July 17, 2016

Joke event results



Jokes aside (ba-dump tzzs), it is sad not all could participate. However those present- Selextia, myself, Exothermic, Lady Veronica, Lells and Morguldrumfay- broke the ice with jokes as smooth as ice on a hot, hot summer day! Here's the Jokelog:

scisoo: I like my men like I like my sink
scisoo: Selextia: I don't get it
Selextia: X"D
scisoo: exactly

Exothermic: A man walks into a bar... ouch

Lady_Veronica: why does black ppl have bigger deecks than white ppl?
Lady_Veronica: cause as kids white ppl had toys to play with!!

Lells: now the difference between a porsche and a girl?
Lells: the porsche you don't lend out to your friends

(small talk about sexism and fairness in judges ensues)

Morguldrumfay: what to do when your tv starts to levitate in dark room while you looking at it?
Morguldrumfay: turn on the lights and shoot that nigga!

As Selextia was going over her points sheet (or fighting lag, we shan't know), some of us continued cracking jokes:

Lells: whats white and slimy lying in a ditch
Lells: a nigga someone beat the crap out of!

Exothermic: my boss told me to have a good day... so i went home! ^_^

In the end, Morgul won by 12 points, followed by a tie between Vero and Exo of 7 points, with the last winner with 2 points being... *drumroll* THE FABULOUS ME!

Joking, I have no idea why I got those points. XD

The winners could hardly hold still in their excitement, much to the amusement of myself and the despair of the guildmaster who was trying her best to give them their rewards. The event ended quickly due to the Exarch calling everyone to war with the Iron Order, and following up with the Free Traders Collective. Sadly there was little time to take a picture to commemorate, so you'll have to do with a picture of myself. (psst, you're welcome, I know about y'all and the maids stuff =^= I have my eyes on you)

We hope to see you next week for the event Inieru has proposed! As a tip, maybe you should check your maps~ Stay sexy friends!

Love you all,
Resident Astaroth, Scisoo

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