Saturday, July 16, 2016

Astaroth Scisso

Your resident Astaroth, Scisoo's, self introduction

Heya~ I am Scisoo, your resident Astaroth and priest. I'm also known as Ali or Mid, any name will do; I've been playing since about when Tera came out in 2013? Is that right?

Funny story is, I started as a Castanic Lancer on the NA server. Then, I asked Ru Slayer-chan if perhaps she may want to join me in playing this 'amazing game I've found'. And she somehow wondered on the Eu server... '-'

Long story short I had to reinstall Tera and we played on and off, made plenty of jokes and memories, and our mains turned 65 very slowly. (In my case, Caellum the Archer never did really reach 65...)

Why Archer after Lancer? Well... I HOPED that the Archer would be easier to play than the Lancer, and it seemed more reasonable to let Ru tank as I attacked from behind. Needless to say, it is not an easy class in my humble, 2nd rate player opinion. (_ _)

Then I somehow roped in Selextia and Shalulia. I thought to myself that being a priest would help them into choosing whatever class they want. And here I am~! 

When I took up priesthood. By that point, it was October 2015? So Island of Dawn was still the starting point.

This was around level 40, I believe. I really liked that outfit.

I had problems with my laptop so since around March this year I couldn't play anymore without the laptop overheating or dying due to the battery. Thankfully I got it back a few days ago, so I'm ready to come back and challenge Tera again! See you at the guild event (hopefully)!

Love you all,
Resident Astaroth, Scisoo

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