Friday, October 28, 2016

After 84 years

Hi guys! Scisoo here...

So funny thing about me as a procrastinator- I put stuff off, say I'll get to them then I don't and get very, very, very guilty and am afraid to get to it. Cause #life and #let'sfuckscissoup.


Everything's normal, I guess? Tera's a lot more lively, that's for sure. It's pleasant though bittersweet, because I loved Veritas and what it meant to me was the beginning of my story. However! The fact that I am instantly paired up in instant matching is awesome... huhu... I can't decide if I like this or not... QwQ

My temporary inventory's full too....


Yeah. First off, it's no longer counting character, it's counting accounts. By that measure, we are a 20 people small guild. We are level one, we have no money, no castle (I have no idea if they exist anymore, I asked on the world chat and I was promptly ignored)(Morg answered this for me- we can have a skycastle so long we get active and busy with the guild quests), no alliances, and no BANK. I repeat, we own NO BANK. All out stuff that we worked for (the basis of the bank was built by me), gone. Poof! Not even in temporary inventory.


The guild quests are all wonky. There's... 5, I believe, that involve gathering while the rest are about dungeons. Daily they must be assigned by our guild master Selextia which is putting a burden on her as we seniors don't exactly always own 5 minutes to do this.

-_- you guys at Tera HQ... just... whaaaat?


Now, I now everyone's busy and that it's a bit hard to get to the computer and spend 2 hours on it playing Tera, however I would like it if somehow, somehow we could at least once a week be able to do at least one guild quest. I'll ask you to drop by the chat and leave me a message so that I can pass it on to Seli (hopefully).

I talked with Seli and as we have a vacation around the winter holidays I'd like it if we could maybe have a guild event to talk and see you guys again. All that's necessary is your attention/presence, your character and your will to chat. I have no idea where we'll meet up or when, but I'll check up with Seli.

THAT'S MY REPORT PEOPLE! Other than that I have personal news xD So if you want to know about that just hit me up on the chat and I'll be happy to talk to you~


Hope to see you all,
Resident Astaroth, Scisoo

PS: around this time there's letter rewards for dungeons, which make dragon flying mounts. How about that?

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Long time no see

         Woah, long time no see, no posts around here huh....
         Well in case you all wanna know what exactly happened....SCHOOL STARTED *insert sobbing noises* even worse, it's the ending year to us guild founders, so we'll probably be more stressed out than ever with that damn exam knocking at our door...
         The chat is still functional, although we don't spend as much time on it either, but even a word or two from time to time are okay!
         So nobody worry, the guild didn't die, we didn't quit gaming's just a hard period right now. 
         I don't know anything about further guild events yet, but I'll be sure to post(or Mid will) any info regarding them (QuO)/
         So see ya later, guys~

         Hating on history class forever,
         Ru Slayer-chan.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Guild requests spot

          I'm back again! This time with some randomness pfft
          Since Vero and me and Morg were bored today I told them to give me drawing requests and watch me sketch them on 
          Here are the fresh sketches, all finished a few minutes ago XD 
              Most belong to Vero X'D, or I dunno, but the bottom 2 ones were from him. And gee I love the huge sword dude now pfft.
          Excuse the twig and mr potato sir man, I was waiting for requests lol.
          Then Morg came up with the character with the gun and then Scisoo appeared XD and asked me to draw Seli and then my slayer and her archer together.
          And that's about it for one hour or more of requests.
          Vero said he'll do this next time >XD Let's see what comes out huehuehue~

Randomly passing artist,
Ru Slayer-chan.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

I'm back~

Hi guys! Scisoo here~ I'm back from my trip to Paris which was uneventful (outside family quarrels and this annoying cold I caught), and I'm.... back in business? Well, my private lessons are anyways.

Friendly reminder: I've not yet opened Tera, but just in case you don't know, Seli is gone on scholarship in Greece. And you know about Ru... so I guess you lot are mine? If you need to be someone's lot... xD

Okay, okay. So, what happened in Paris stays in Paris is I got scared by voodoo shit (as in goosebumps and tears), I missed my pets dearly (and had a heart attack due to SOMEONE feeding the dog wrong stuff), I saw castles like Versailles and decided I love my country and its architecture style, and... uhm... I'm scared of jungle storms. Courtesy of the National History Museum of France, there were pleasant sound effects and well... I'm not one to be scared of lighting but... hot damn x'D my eyes were watering.

YOU THINK I'M TOO SCARED OF EVERYTHING? PSSH! (you're totally right... Q.Q)

I have some videos actually. Which I have no idea where I'll put up, if I actually edit them...

Hmm~ also, in case you haven't seen the news, our new server will be called MYSTEL (yuck) and the server merge is on the 30th this month, so in case you have a lot of characters like me, I'd advise you to go check their class, levels, bank, and number. They're saying only 16 characters are allowed per server, so watch out for that...

Okay, that's my news? I guess? Uh, I don't know about events while Seli's gone, so I guess I'll be managing them if we're having them NO PRESSURE, JUST CUT THE RED WIRE AND NONE OF US BLOW UP so I'll be asking for your ideas? Yeah. See ya xD

Love you all,
Resident Astaroth Scisoo

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Just updates

        This is my last post here until I come back home next week. I'm being dragged to my grandparents tomorrow, no internet there ugh.
                 But don't worry, Scisoo is also coming back tomorrow so she'll take care of you XD.
        Well anyway, first of all congrats to Morg for winning the screenshot contest! Gz on that 1k m8///slapped for MLG talk

        Second of all, talking on chatango proved to be actually funny hehe, thanks to Vero and Morg always being around. DON'T MISS ME TOO MUCH WHILE I'M GONE HUEHUEHUE

        That's all I guess, not much to update. So take care until Thursday when I come back and give Scisoo a warm welcome from the Baguetton Factory~

Ru Slayer-chan.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Screenshot event started!

     Hey guys! I'm writing this from my phone so excuse the writing for not being colored and stuff pfft.
    So anyway off to the event! Here's the picture:
     Good luck with the guessing! Don't forget that the prize is 1k gold!

Ru Slayer-chan.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Screenshot event part 2!

         Hey guys, it's been a while since posting an official announcement hehe, so here I am.
         Tomorrow at 8 pm CET there'll be a new screenshot guessing event! Rules are same as the first time: you see a pic, you recognize the location, you say its name and boom you win! If you get to it first, that is XD.
         The reward for the guesser iiiiis....1000 GOLD! Sponsored by our dear guild bank~
         So good luck to everyone, the pic will be posted tomorrow somehow hopefully.

                                                           Random announcer,
                                                                   Ru Slayer-chan.